Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Most Haunted Live: 8 Nights of Restrained Sniggers

I'm not saying that the 'other world' doesn't exist and I'm not saying that spirits or metaphysical phenomena can't affect us in some way.  But I am saying that the Most Haunted Live 8 day Halloween Special will rid you of any kind of supernatural belief.

Firstly, how did they get the air time of 4 hours a night for 8 days straight? Who paid for this celebration of reported and super-subjective 'maybes'? And how did they get a live audience to commit to  4 hours of watching strangers bounce into each other in the dark? Ok, I've only watched one night, but what a borefest! Nothing happens...NOTHING HAPPENS. It is 4 hours of people standing in the dark accidentally scaring each other, being mesmerised by old Christmas decorations, saying, 'did you hear that?' in urgent tones and being completely fascinated by the workings of electrical light switches. Oh, and spelling names with a glass tumbler. Wow.

I am a theist, but I'm a huge skeptic in matters of the paranormal and MHL is not helping the case. As usual ghosts can only be found in complete  darkness and only turn up when the camera is in the other room. Cheeky. Further, the only evidence of ghosts is what some guy 'feels' at any given moment, malfunctioning electronic equipment (wow, maybe ghosts are the reason Vista sucked so bad) and sounds that no one but the enigmatic clairvoyant host hears.

Surely the MC who provides continuity is stifling guffaws as he gravely summarizes the 'events' of each evening. And then what about the promised 'faces of evil', where's the flying furniture and rotating heads? I'm sorry folks but if I'm going to be wooed to the paranormal I'm going to need normal evidence. The only ghosts that are haunting that show are ones that will appear in your dreams after you've been effectively lulled into a deep, deep sleezzzzzzzzzz...

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