Monday, 21 September 2009

Awards Shows: Everybody Loses but the Winner

I must admit I didn't watch this year's Emmy Awards.  I kind of regret it since at least one review had it as an improvement on last year and quite entertaining.

But I don't regret it that much. Ever since Billy Crystal retired from hosting the Academy Awards, I have genuinely wondered what the point of watching people collect awards is. We like the shows, and yes the actors - but only they really care about the awards. We're just nosing in on the fulfilment of their efforts, their downward spiral into depression because their peers refuse to acknowledge their hard work/talent and the progress, or lack thereof, of Hollywood's ethnic diversity.

Sure, the results are something to grab some interest, for a few seconds, but to have to go through a couple hours of hearing them? I'd rather just get the results after the fact or just watch the highlights. It takes less time and energy.

I counted 36 categories in this year's Emmy Awards and there were apparently 24 categories in last year's Oscars (though it somehow feels like 2, 234 categories). But honestly, we're only interested in the Best Actor and Best Picture awards, and even then we just want to know who wins. Hearing their speech isn't that important - unless it's something tongue-in-cheek and loaded like Denzel Washington's 'Waddya know. Two birds in one night' comment when himself and Halle Berry walked away with the Best Actor/Actress statuettes respectively.

Awards ceremonies are for the industry not the audience. If they want us to care or watch every year then make it as interesting/funny/entertaining as the shows being awarded. One would think that with all the talent around they could do that easily, but no, apparently not.

I am always fascinated that accomplished actors who stun an audience with an amazing and believable (sometimes half or fully nude) on-screen performance, then sound like a 3rd grader acting like a robot reading from the teleprompter. They look shy, awkward and even embarrassed (to be fully clothed?), just to stand for a few seconds before an audience of a few hundred people. What's up with that?

Fine, rehearsed and recorded performance is different from live stage work. But, come on, pretend like everyone is in their underwear then.

Still congrats to all the winn...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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